1 - Gift from Marethari for sending Feynriel to the Dalish during Wayward Son.2-3 - Looted from Danzig's corpse during Wayward Son.7 - Reward for completing Shepherding Wolves.3 or 4 - Potential reward for Blackpowder Promise, for selecting 'He still owes me' or 'I was promised future profits', respectively, during dialogue with the Arishok.3 - Reward for completing The Bone Pit (quest).8 - Complete the ritual of the amulet during Long Way Home.5 – Loot from Arcane Horror during Long Way Home.5 - During Meeran's task, kill and loot Friedrich.2 - During Meeran's task, accept the bribe from Friedrich.
Hightown, lowtown or docks) from the street thugs and eradicated their bases, claim your reward from A Friend before clearing another area.Ĭhests/Corpses/Quests with Big Payoffs Prologue
The less you have in your inventory, the more likely they are to drop.